Talking Human Rights - FIFDH
On the occasion of the FIFDH, the international human rights film festival, Unicam had the privilege of travelling to Geneva to take part in the festival for a day. The theme of the day was police violence. We were able to interview the film's lead actor, Yasser Louati, as well as Joseph Paris, the director of the film that was screened on the theme of police violence, entitled Le Repli.
◾️Producer: Tanja Maeder
◾️Presenter: Tanja Maeder
◾️Videojournalists: Tanja Maeder , Fabienne Gnos, Alexia Pharizat , Owsley-Brown River
Film director : Joseph Paris (, @imagecritique
Film Protagonist: Yasser Louati (
Pimp My Van with Yellow Camper
Summer is coming slowly but surely! An increasingly popular way to travel and to enjoy summer to the fullest is by going on road trips. But that's easier said than done! In this video we take a look at what it takes and meet experts at the Yellowcamper camping conversion in Burgdorf.
◾️Producer: Tanja Maeder
◾️Presenter: Fabienne Gnos
◾️Videojournalists: Lucien Hans, Lucienne Schmid, Bogdan Dedic
UNICAM had the chance to meet Davide Nestola (aka Davnesto) and talk about his amazing work as a street photographer. We even did some hands-on practice – watch the video to see how we master this task!
◾️ Presenter: Alexia Pharizat
◾️ Videojournalists: Fabienne Gnos and Emilia Miranda
◾️ Producer: Tanja Maeder
Campus Dog
The University of Fribourg is the first university in Switzerland to introduce campus dogs. We meet Gucci and Tania Guillaume to immerse into the world of our four-legged friends.
Producer: Fabienne Gnos, Janina Rageth
Presenter: Ramona Mayr
Videojournalists: Lola Guesaraoui, Jacinta Meireles
Immersion into UNISPORT
The University of Fribourg offers the amazing possibility to try a huge quantity of different sports for free or for a very cheap price. Join us in our documentation of Unisport where we'll answer what it is, what you can do, who's behind it and why you should join!
◾️Producer: Vasilije Vuksanovic
◾️Moderator: Timothy Montavon
◾️Video journalists: Vincent Sorba, Nils Bonvin, Ramona Mayr
UNICAM on ice - Behind the scenes of Fribourg-Gottéron
Fribourg is a great place to study but also to play ice hockey. Have you ever watched behind the scenes of ice hockey club Fribourg-Gottéron? Wanna know what training looks like? Or the fitness room? UNICAM was able to get a special insight and could talk to three of the best players!
◾️Producers: Janina Rageth
◾️Presenter: Fabienne Gnos
◾️Videojournalists: Fabienne Werlen, Jeannine Müller, Bogdan Dedic
Late for Halloween
Late for a lecture at the university? Late for a meeting with friends? Or even too late to get ready for Halloween? And then what do you do? That's exactly how Alexia and Emilia felt last night for Halloween night! See if they still made it to the party or not. 👻🎃👻
◾️Presenter: @alex_ia33, @m_.ilia
◾️Videojournalists: @alex_ia33,@m_.ilia, @hollywia, @fabienne.gnos
◾️Producer: @bogdandedic
21 DINGE, die man in der Uni nicht machen sollte
Unicam präsentiert Dinge, die in der Uni vermieden werden sollten. Erkennst du dich wieder?
Unicam présente les choses à éviter à l'université. Qu'en as-tu déjà fait ?
◾️Producers: Debora Palermo, Matthias Müller
◾️Presenter: Zoé Stoller, Timon Stalder, Jessica Woodtli
◾️Videojournalists: Céline Stieger, Nathalie Wirz, Jessica Busch
Quidditch - Ernst zu nehmender Sport
Anlässlich des 20. Jubiläums der Harry Potter Filme haben wir von UNICAM die Berner Boggarts besucht um mit ihnen Quidditch zu spielen. Was Quidditch ist und wie diese Sportart funktioniert erfährst du in diesem Video.text]
À l'occasion du 20e anniversaire des films Harry Potter, UNICAM a rendu visite aux Boggarts de Berne et a pu jouer un match de quidditch avec eux. Dans cette vidéo tu découvriras ce que le quidditch est exactement et comment fonctionne ce sport.
Production: Alina Jud & Jessica Woodtli
Moderation: Michael Höchner
Video Journalists: Zoé Stoller, Céline Stieger, Jeannine Müller, Jessica Busch, Matthias Müller & Ramona Mayr
Burnout: Betroffene erzählen
Burnout: Betroffene erzählen Burnouts und Depressionen sind der Grund für mehr als die Hälfte aller Arbeitsausfälle in der Schweiz. Was aber ist ein Burnout? Wie lässt sich ein Burnout vorbeugen? Wie erkennt man erste Anzeichen? In unserem Video schildern einerseits Betroffene ihre Erfahrungen, anderseits gibt Prof. Dr. Simone Munsch Einsichten aus der Fachpersepektive. Les burnouts et les dépressions sont à l'origine de plus de la moitié des arrêts de travail en Suisse. Mais qu'est-ce qu'un burnout ? Comment prévenir un burnout ? Comment reconnaître les premiers signes ? Dans notre vidéo, des personnes concernées décrivent leurs expériences et le professeur Simone Munsch donne son point de vue de spécialiste.
◾️Producers: Debora Palermo, Elisabeth Luu
◾️Presenter: Robin Fichtner
◾️Videojournalists: Janina Rageth, Livia In-Albon, Sandro Bizzozero, Debora Palermo, Elisabeth Luu